LeetCode 614. Second Degree Follower SQL Solution
LeetCode SQL Problem
- Second Degree Follower
follow table
followee | follower |
A | B |
B | C |
B | D |
D | E |
Second Degree Follower
-- Use Inner Self Join to get the amount of each follower’s follower if he/she has one
SELECT A.follower
,count(DISTINCT B.follower) AS num
FROM follow AS A
INNER JOIN follow AS B ON A.follower = B.followee
GROUP BY A.follower
Second Degree Follower
-- Use Inner Self Join to get the amount of each follower’s follower if he/she has one
SELECT A.follower
,count(DISTINCT B.follower) AS num
FROM follow AS A
INNER JOIN follow AS B ON A.follower = B.followee
GROUP BY A.follower
Query Output
follower | num |
B | 2 |
D | 1 |